arising memories of past
going through some old things. here's some legião urbana for thought.
maybe overhaul of page artwork soon. need to create a webpage, blogs are good but i lack the control to build a better structure. maybe dan sid can proverbially "hook a brotha up".
legião urbana - perfeição (perfection)
Vamos celebrar a estupidez humana A estupidez de todas as nações O meu país e sua corja de assassinos Covardes, estupradores e ladrões C7 Vamos celebrar a estupidez do povo G Bb Nossa polícia e televisão C7 Vamos celebrar nosso governo Bb G C7 E nosso estado que não é nação Celebrar a juventude sem escola As crianças mortas Celebrar nossa desunião Vamos celebrar Eros e Thanatos Persephone e Hades F Vamos celebrar nossa tristeza Vamos celebrar nossa vaidade Vamos comemorar como idiotas A cada fevereiro e feriado Todos os mortos na estrada Os mortos por falta de hospitais Vamos celebrar nossa justiça A ganância e a difamação Vamos celebrar os preconceitos O voto dos analfabetos Comemorar a água podre E todos os impostos Queimadas mentiras e sequestro Nosso castelo de cartas marcadas O trabalho escravo Nosso pequeno universo Toda hipocrisia e toda afetação Todo roubo e toda a indiferença Vamos celebrar epidemias: É a festa da torcida campeã Vamos celebrar a fome Não ter a quem ouvir Não se ter a quem amar Vamos alimentar o que é maldade Vamos machucar um coração Vamos celebrar nossa bandeirra Nosso passado de absurdos gloriosos Tudo que é gratuito e feio Tudo que é normal Vamos cantar juntos o hino nacional ( A lágrima é verdadeira ) Vamos celebrar nossa saudade E comemorar a nossa solidão Vamos festejar a inveja intolerância e a incompreensão Vamos festejar a violência Am E esquecer a nossa gente Que trabalhou honestamente a vida inteira agora não tem mais direito a nada Vamos celebrar a aberração De toda a nossa falta de bom senso Nosso descaso por educação Vamos celebrar o horror De tudo isso Com festa, velório e caixão Está tudo morto e enterrado agora Já que também podemos celebrar A estupidez de quem cantou esta canção Venha, meu coração está com pressa Quando a esperança está dispersa Só a verdade me liberta Chega de maldade e ilusão Dm Em Venha, o amor tem sempre a porta aberta E vem chegando a primavera Nosso futuro recomeça: Venha, que o que vem é perfeição
Let's celebrate the human stupidity, the stupidity of all the nations, my country with is band of murderers, Cowards, rapists, and thieves, Let's celebrate the stupidity of the people, Our police and television, Let's celebrate our government, And our state that isn't a nation, Celebrate the youths without school, The dead children, Celebrate our disunion, Let's celebrate Eros, Thanatos, Persephone and Hades, Let's celebrate our sadness, Let's celebrate our vanity. Let's commemorate like idiots, During every February and holiday, All the dead in the roads, The dead because of the lack of hospitals, Let's celebrate our justice, The trickery and defamation, Let's celebrate the discrimination, The vote of the illiterate. Commemorate the bad water, And all the taxes, Burnings, lies and kidnappings, Our castle made of cards, Slave labor, Our small universe, All the Hypocrisy e fakeness, All the thefts, and the indifference, Let's celebrate epidemics, It's the party of the winning team, Let's celebrate the hunger, Not having those who listen, Not having those whom love, Lets feel what is evil, Let's hurt a heart, Let's celebrate our flag, Our past of glorious absurdness, Everything that is gratuitous and ugly, Everything that's normal, Let's sing the national anthem (the tear is true), Let's celebrate our longings, And commemorate our solitude. Let's party in envy, The intolerance and misunderstood, Let's party in violence, And forget of our people, Whom worked honestly their entire lives, And now don't have any rights, Let's celebrate the aberration, Of all our lack of good sense, Our disregard for education, Let's celebrate the horror, Of all this, With a party, funeral and coffin, Is everything dead and buried already?, We can already celebrate, The stupidity of whom sang this song, Come, my heart is with haste, When hope is dispersed, Only the truth frees me, Enough evil and illusion, Come, love always has an open door, And come arriving the spring, Our future begins again, Come, as what comes is perfection.
Labels: art, legião urbana, perfection
The persistence of the Great Link never ceases to amaze me. I admit to being nine months late on the matter, but, by all means, feel free to prevail upon me for your Web design needs. I can think of no higher calling than that of aiding people in expressing their thoughts to as wide an audience (willing, of course) as possible. (And your thoughts, my friend, are well worth hearing.)
I find myself in the unenviable position of wanting to start over again, somehow, somewhere. While I can't travel back in time, I can at least travel laterally in space, and that's what I intend to do by the end of next summer. But rest assured: no matter where I end up, I'll take the necessary steps to keep in touch with those who I've been fortunate enough to share this adventure called life. (Even the ones who've hurt me, I one day hope to reconcile with. It's just a matter of time.)
Shoot me a message, drop me a line, etc. All the best to you and Fernanda.
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