go slow

Sunday, December 03, 2006

looks like weekly posts seem more likely than daily

once again, a long time with no news. all has been well, though. at work, i've continued to focus on understanding some basic connections that are present throughout the entire company, and on friday i began my first task in my area of work, which felt really gratifying to finally engage in. on wednesday, there was as massive snowstorm here in seattle, and my wife and i were astonished at how big the flakes were, as they were falling beneath the streetlights, it looked as if sparks were being shot from the lights, looking down a street had a very dramatic and beautiful effect. my grandparents were in town for dinner on friday, and it was good to meet up with them, as well.

on saturday, we went out to galen's place for some delicious food and plenty of wine, and that was a blast. i also had to make a long trip out to kirkland to try to get my visa for brasil, as my wife and i leave in less than 3 weeks, so it's definately something needing to get done. we also bought a christmas tree (well, a baby one, which will be fun to decorate, and will be our fifth plant here in the apartment), i'm already enjoying to see so much green at home. today, i stayed around the house during the early day to afternoon, then went out with arya and jones to cedars for some chai and food, and later on to the galway arms to have a beer. it was great to have so much discussion, reaching from what we would like to improve in ourselves, to vegetarianism, to genetically making meat, to world views, nature vs. creating ones own environment, legalizing drugs and so forth. needless to say, we didn't always agree, but i felt like the discussion covered so much, and our analyses were so well backed up by evidence, that i think it was very productive, and fresh, a good experience to start out next week. hopefully we can get more regular about these meetings-up!

i've been thinking that i need to concentrate on what i want to do with various aspects of my life, for example, languages. i need to finish up german, so i can already get started on french and italian, then i can pursue others. but, again, the focus should be quality and not quantity, so i need to be careful about balancing these particular objectives. so far, i should concentrate on doing a great job at work, and focus on stretching my energy to expand to doing more, until i get to a point that is good, so i'm not completely exhausted when i get home, but that when i go to sleep, i'm needing to recharge. all is well, though, thankfully, and i'm very blessed to have all that i do.


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