weekend/holiday update, it's snowing like crazy in seattle!!!
had a great weekend, including the friday off! it's always great to break up the monotony of things, and my wife and i went with our friends meg and john to yakima, prosser and sunnyside for wine tastings, pay $20 per person and try approx. 5 wines per winery, which equals a lot of black teeth for us red wine drinkers, and poor john having to do the designated driving while the rest of us are dying of laughter and talking about random subjects! but it was really interesting to be back where i'm originally from, surprisingly at the first place that we went to, we ran into a family friend who is starting up his own winery with his own grapes. it was very lucky, as he steered us towards which would be the most interesting wineries to visit. when there are 50 to choose from, it's much better to find a few to visit rather than shooting fish in a barrel. then, i believe at the 2nd winery, ran into a friend i haven't seen since 1999, i'm amazed that she recognized me!
as john commented, it's great to get out of the city, see rolling hills, and a relatively barren landscape, just refreshing after all the movement. but then again, the lack of restaurants drove us mad, so leaving wasn't too bad. john made a comment that coffee would soon be dead, due to all the indulgence into the energy drinks, the cocaine of coffee's coca. he also commented, contrary to nathaniel's prediction that pennies are instruments of the devil (or maybe not contrary, as he simply commented that pennies will be forever, and if they are indeed instruments of the devil, then they'll probably be around forever anyway!). Over the pass there was plenty of snow, and after a little bit of hail here in seattle, it's now fairly consistantly snowing for over 2.5 hours. i'm not particularly keen that it snows too much, work tomorrow seems exciting, after tomorrow, one less day of training until i'm doing my real job. i'm always eager to be participating with the rest of the team.
my wife and i spent most of our woken hours today self-lessly cleaning the house, which was a huge task, as we had to wash clothes, bedsheets, clean the kitchen and bathroom, and get rid of all the dust around on the floor, shelves, and everywhere else. had to leave the windows open, as well to get the smell of chemicals relatively dispersed. anyhow, it's been a great holiday/weekend and hopefully next week is as good or better than last week!
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