go slow

Thursday, November 02, 2006

a long (in a good way) day

allright! pretty smooth sailing today, went to a professional temp agency, and it looks like i might get some great possibilities there. also had a few business contacts get back to me about things, so that feels really good. it's raining here in seattle, and this doesn't help for morale, but i think i can get myself on the right track if 1) i stop focusing on minor screw-ups i make and 2) if i cut my extended talking down to just slightly above what needs to be said. i think i'm a good communicator, but efficiency tends not to be my thing. went out with jones, arya and dave, first to the satellite, which was ok, and then had a blast at the more lively cha cha lounge, where we had the 40 of pbr, and took some photos in the booth. i'll have to go to uw and scan the photos to put them digitally where i'd like them. as december is approaching i'm increasingly anxious and thinking about travelling. i think that it is something deeply important to me. hopefully tomorrow will be as good as today was, and i'll try to count all my blessings, i really should.


Blogger khmerprincess said...

Hi :)

9:09 PM  
Blogger khmerprincess said...

Hm...I already wrote hi??

9:10 PM  

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