go slow

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

where is your ambition?

we live in an age of forgetfulness
and obliviousness of the beauty
which surrounds us.
connects us
bound by threads, created and
destroyed by ourselves simultaneously
understanding and being sentient
so temptingly close, flirtingly,
as illusions of our own grandeur distract
by looking at how small we are,
the cogs that we serve as,
one can find humility,
the key to these self-binding chains
by looking at how broadly we influence each other,
we can understand how powerful we are
we need to forget...
everything that can seem so important
and remember...
all that seemed so trivial, easy
we are waves, lapping away at our foundations,
powerful enough to destroy what we are given,
fragile enough to be wiped out from existence,
at the flicker of the cosmos;
the beckon of a divine finger.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

back from brazil

what a fantastic trip! although it turned out to be more of a busy vacation than a relaxed one, my wife and i were able to see her whole family, spend two different christmas celebrations with her paternal and maternal sides of the family, spend new years in the state of rio de janeiro and i was even able to make a trip to visit my host families in campinas, são paulo. well i took forever to post this, but hopefully i'll catch up back into the routine of posting. i have something else to post, we'll see if i don't post it today.